Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Leu Gardens

Tuesday with Dad we went to Leu Gardens. We were expecting something a bit more formal, but we still had fun. We almost made it through the entire garden. There's still a bit left to discover. At one point in the path you come to a lookout point over the lake. Along the water's edge we found all kinds of turtles, a few birds, and a baby alligator sunning himself. That's always fun.

check out the size of those leaves!

I can't believe how intricate and delicate those petals look.

The bamboo is lots of fun, and incredibly smooth to the touch.

There is a section for arid plantings as well. Besides the cacti, there are some pretty cool flowers.

The Rose Garden

I love all the spanish moss growing everywhere. I always try to capture the beauty of it with my camera, but the pictures never satisfy.

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